Tuesday, June 4, 2013

June 3rd 2013 - Pool day

Today was a Monday. A big Monday. Not only does my husband Erik have Mondays off but today we started vlogging, and blogging. Yep, we are diving into the world of daily vlogs and blog posts. Although I already blog, keep an updated facebook page and post videos here and there, I figured this would be the best way to remember our days, and to document our children as they grow. One simply blog post, one simple vlog of the entire day. Instead of little status updates here and there all nilly willy.

Last night I stayed the night at the hospital. If you don't know we had our baby girl on April 14th, 2013 - 10 weeks early. I won't go into much detail here but my birth story is here.

Anyways so I slept in because I had a restless night with Abigail having some bradys (bradycardias where the heart rate drops) That makes us have a 5 day longer stay with each one which is frustrating. Erik and Jaxton came and picked me up and we drove out to Seattle. We went to NikeTown because I got a nike+ fuel band for Christmas but it broke just a few weeks later. They replaced it for me for free and it was quick and easy. I am excited because I am going to start being more active and healthy so I can get my pre-baby body back.

One our way home we went to the mall. We stopped in Macy's so that Erik could look for some shorts because he is outside all day and it is getting really warm out. He didn't find anything but I ended up getting a nursing bra for only $20! And, after trying on bras I came out of the room and Erik had picked out a couple outfits for Abigail (so our of character for him) they were all so cute and I picked out a few too. We also found a shirt for Jaxton and the entire haul was only $40 which was surprising because carter's and macys are just so pricey sometimes.

After the short trip there we drove back to our apartment, we hung out and cleaned up a bit. Its funny how messy your house gets while being at the hospital for 7 weeks. You would think it would stay the way you left it - right? Then we took Jaxton swimming at the apartments pool for the first time. It is heated and was actually really warm which was a nice surprise. They had a tiny roped off area that was just deep enough for Jaxton. It came up to his shoulders while he stood. And let me tell you.. HE LOVED IT. The boys swam and I sunbathed. Getting Jaxton out of the pool was near impossible. Once we carried him home crying we showered and got dressed and headed down to the hospital.

The boys just dropped me off because Jaxton is sick and cannot go up there. I pumped, and held her until her care. She weighed 2,570grams which is 2lbs 10oz. YAY! That means she gets to switch from the HMF (human milk fortifier) and the pregestimil (extra calories 26cal) to neosure which is 24cal and she will go home on that. So she will more than likely switch over to that tomorrow. She took a full bottle from me (49ml) and I put her in one of her new outfits that Erik picked out for her. Leaving her was hard tonight because I just want to be with her. I wish I could just take her home.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christine! My name is Heather and I just have a quick question about your blog! If you could email me whenever you get a chance at Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail.com I would greatly appreciate it!
