Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Pregnancy Update - 21 weeks

Things this week. It has been an overwhelmingly busy week. Jaxton has gotten better at daycare (but we will see how that resumes tomorrow) I have gotten better at it. I can leave him screaming and not be in tears the whole way to school. Last week was good though and everyday was better for him. I also got to the gym 3 days in a row! (go me right?) yet my weight is still skyrocketing. I have stopped getting on the scale because every time I do it has gone up a pound - so maybe if I stay off it, then it won't go up. I blame it on the baby, all I want to eat is sugary things like ice cream, chocolate, cotton candy you name it anything bad and full of calories is what I want.

I have popped this week. It really shows by the amount of complete strangers who will with no reservation ask me or more like point out that I am pregnant. I get the "you're having a baby!" and "when is that baby due?!" and "congrats on the baby" yeah, thanks I think I noticed. Erik says I should with a straight face tell them I am not pregnant. I don't think I could do that, although it would be funny

Sunday was the superbowl - which I slept right through. I woke up and made nachos and grated my finger. It is pretty brutal looking but I would say the nachos were worth it. I drove all the way to Everett in the dark and got there later than I ever had. And then we ended up watching a movie to the point where I couldn't stay awake. I love being with Erik though and I am counting down the days until school is over so we can be living together again.

Monday was my ultrasound. We had to get up early, and when we got there they told me I had missed my appointment by a half hour and would still see not my ob because he was in surgery but his nurse instead and I could reschedule my ultrasound. I got back to the room and started crying in frustration, that I wasn't seeing my ob, that I lived 3 hours away and made the trip on my only weekday off of school to have my hour long big anatomy scan that I had been looking forward to for weeks. Luckily they fit me in I had to wait an extra hour but I still got an ultrasound and with the tech that I always make a point to schedule with (she is the best ultrasound tech you could ask for and has done probably 40 or more ultrasounds on me)

Here are some photos (excluding the gender photo):

My appointment went good. I got a prescription prenatal and a disabled parking pass. Baby looked great, and was for the first time ever in both my pregnancies NOT head down in my cervix. The
baby is measuring behind 8 days but thats no big deal, maybe I will get a small baby out of the deal this time. I would like to use newborn clothes for more than a week.. Erik got to find out the gender finally so I don't have to keep my mouth shut anymore. The baby was sucking their thumb in the end and we got a free DVD (our tech Kim loves us <3)

After that we went to IKEA (and walked out with NOTHING) and then to hangout with our friends Hayley and Sean. We stayed at their place and then went to dinner at IHOP. Its great seeing friends when I am over there especially another couple about our age with a son our son's age. We then drove back to Port Angeles and I was nodding off the whole way (luckily Erik was driving separate with Jax and there was no one on the road.)

This morning I had to wake up early as ever and go do a clinical. I got to see a feeding tube get pulled out.. kind of gross. And just shadowed a nurse for 2 hours. I didnt get to sit once and was dying. at one point I started getting really light headed and nauseous and I swear I almost passed out but I left the room and got some ice chips and cold water and just leaned against a wall and collected myself. Afterwards I was having a lot of braxton hicks and was cramping really bad so I went home, cuddled on the couch watched TV and slept. I ended up skipping school but I honestly was in so much pain (still kind of am but the nap helped a lot) Erik and I ran some errands and he left. So that  was the week..

Time seems to be flying by. All the weeks are such a blur, the 3 days that Jax goes to daycare I don't even remember because I am just so busy with school and studying and cleaning and everything. Its a good and bad thing. Good because I want to finish this quarter and move back to Everett and be with Erik and bad because before I know it this baby will be here and I will miss being pregnant. I am trying to slow down and enjoy this pregnancy but it is hard when I am so busy and the days just disappear  I mean we are already a whole WEEK into February?! When did that even happen?! I didn't even realize I was 21 weeks until I looked at my calendar..

Okay so my face looks stupid (I am swelling now great) and my shirt is slowly shrinking as the weeks pass (its maternity too!) and Jaxton decided to "add" to my chalk board. But hey it adds some character so I left it. He is really starting to enjoy coloring.. everywhere.. including the walls...

Weekly survey: 21 weeks
How Far Along: 21 weeks 0 days
Weight Gain: 15lbs
Days until next doc appointment?: I just had one this week, my next is March 4th. Just another ultrasound and checkup nothing big or fancy (although I am sure I will be scheduling my GD test that day but it won't be for about 8 weeks I do not look forward to that ick.)
Innie or Outtie: Innie, but, it is becoming so shallow. I don't remember my belly button being so shallow until the end last time so I am wondering if it will pop out this time. I am kind of hoping it does actually!
Maternity Clothes:  Pretty much. Even some of my maternity shirts that Erik got me for Christmas are starting to magically shrink in the wash. I'm pretty much in sweats and one of my husband's shirts when I am at the house because anything touching my belly is irritating..
Sleep:  I'm doing okay with sleep, the occasional getting up to pee. I forgot my pillow back in Everett AGAIN which really frustrates me. I also have started sleeping with a mini pillow pet under my belly and it is much more comfortable. I don't like using body pillows because when I switch sides it is annoying to take with, but Jaxton is sleeping through the night so that is great.
Stretch marks?: No new ones (only from my last pregnancy which are all pretty invisible) I am *trying* to gain weight slow and drink water to prevent them.. we will see
Pregnancy Perk: Disabled parking pass. Walking far gives me so much pain, gives me contractions and over all ruins the day.
Embarrassing Pregnant Moment: I can't think of one
Baby Purchases this week: Since Erik now knows the gender we bought 2 new outfits. Still keeping things to a minimum since we are moving next week.
Best quote regarding baby this week: Me talking to my mom after my ultrasound over the phone "It's a ______" (opposite of what we saw the last 2 times) She said "No its not!" hahah we tried to fool her
Gender: Secret
Movement: Movement is getting more and more strong each day. Sometimes it startles me, especially when the baby kicks right into my cervix. Also, movement is getting higher up but is still pretty low. 
Food Cravings: SWEETS. All I want is everything bad that will make me so fat. Mostly, hot fudge sundaes and chocolate.
Food Aversions: Chicken wings
How’s Mama? So sore, in pain, tired, and BUSY. With college and moving into our first apartment and just everything I don't even know how I do it.
Labor signs?: My cervix (although it is starting to "funnel" but not considered funneled yet) is the longest it has ever been!! We are talking a whopping 4.2cm!!! I have never seen it over 3.6-3.8 and have seen it as low as 1.4 so I am THRILLED. I am having a lot of braxton hicks but I don't care as long as I have got a nice long and strong cervix.
What I am looking forward to: Starting the nursery, buying things, gender reveal party, moving, school being over soo much to look forward to
Our Baby in Veggie/Fruit Terms: Pomegranate (yum) 10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces

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